Illuminated manuscripts
by Jolanda Gallina, 3AM – Liceo Linguistico Europeo, indirizzo Moderno
il frinire del Collegio PioX
Illuminated manuscripts
by Jolanda Gallina, 3AM – Liceo Linguistico Europeo, indirizzo Moderno
Un viaggio nel passato
a cura di Ellen Truccolo, 4AC – Liceo Classico
Ecco i “Tabelaux vivants” dei ragazzi delle medie!
(immagine: By Marco Pedretti – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
I ragazzi hanno immaginato un mondo in cui esiste un’unica attività: la lettura. Le persone hanno a disposizione una quantità infinita di libri e guadagnano in modo proporzionale al tempo che investono nella lettura di libri, giornali, riviste, fumetti…
a cura di Carlotta Mason, 1AFM
a cura di Elisa Giraldo – 4BG Liceo Linguistico Europeo, sezione Giuridico-economico
a cura di Elisa Giraldo – 4BG Liceo Linguistico Europeo, sezione Giuridico-economico
On the occasion of the cultural exchange with the students in Bonn, we created a special ‘virtual wall’: a wall not created to divide, but to colour the thoughts and words with the wishes, expectations and then the experiences of the students who participated in this project.The picture taken represents the group of Italian and… Continue Reading →
The cultural exchange with the students from Bonn continues: today we go on a bike ride to discover the Restera…Here are some interesting facts we want to share: Sile and street art The Sile, a resurgent river that from Treviso crosses and laps small towns, the countryside and the lagoon before reaching the sea, owes… Continue Reading →
On the occasion of the cultural exchange with a German school in Bonn, the students of the second year of Liceo Linguistico Europeo prepared an audio guide on Venice.The students, who will be in Venice on Tuesday 27th September, have prepared their very own guided tour of the city, recounting typical sights and places.To listen… Continue Reading →
Sofia Carli, Anna Vassallo and Nisha Vianello, together with their teacher, Ms Giulia Zandonadi, interviewed Mr Aay Aay, the Research and Repatriation Coordinator of the Haida Gwaii Museum.
Let’s learn something about the North West Coast Indian Art!
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